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Your Name:
How did you hear about Wild Trek Tours:
Why did you decide to book with Wild Trek Tours:
Overall what was your opinion about the trip: ExcellentGoodAveragePoorTerribleI would prefer not to say
Please add any comments you would like to make:
What did you think about the quality of the information you received before your trip began: ExcellentGoodAveragePoorTerribleI would prefer not to say
How would you rate your pre-trek and post-trek accommodation for this walk (please answer only if applicable to your particular tour): ExcellentGoodAveragePoorTerribleI would prefer not to say
What did you think about your guides for the trek: ExcellentGoodAveragePoorTerribleI would prefer not to say
Would you consider booking another trek with us: YesNoI would prefer not to say
If yes, do you have any particular treks you are interested in doing:
Would you like us to email you further information about the trek: YesNoI would prefer not to say
Do you have any other ideas of how we can improve our service:
Do you have any other comments you would like to make about your trek with us:
May we use your comments to display on our web site for future customers to read: YesNo